Movie Review: Bachelorette


I’ve got tickets to watch the Bacherlorette movie thanks to Carlo Rino Sg! Brought along Don to watch it~


The movie pretty much reminds me of the hangover series, female version. A lot more watered down and a lot more bitchy. Humor level is definitely there as I do have a good laugh. It’s rated M18 more because of the language and usage of wheat in the show.

It’s worth a watch if you’re looking at a light hearted film that you can laugh along. Some might be able to relate to the movie, character wise.

My favorite quote from the show had to be “Fuck Everybody!” Which has the meaning of not bothering what others thinks.

Ratings would be a 3/5 from me. Not a must watch, but if you have the time and needs a movie to watch, consider this.


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