About Me

joyceforensia about me 2016


Real Name: Joyce Lim (ジョイス)

D.O.B: 29/04/90

Height: 166 cm

Diploma in Media Studies & Management.

Certificate in Beauty & Fashion, Special Effects, Face Painting from Make Up For Ever Pro Academy.



  • Photography / Modelling
  • Videography
  • Writing / Reading
  • Music – Pop, Rock, R&B, Classical
  • Swimming, Cycling,
  • Beauty – Skincare and Make Up
  • Fashion
  • Travels

Beauty Profile:

Skin Type: Combination Sensitive Skin

Skin Tone: Fair (Neutral)

Story Thus Far…

I’ve owned a little blog space in this virtual world since 2004 and started blogging seriously in 2008 to widen my network. I then went on to Beauty Blogging in 2009 on Onsugar (A popular blogging platform for the pioneer beauty bloggers in the local scene back then.)

After two years of blogging at Onsugar, I took up an offer and started blogging as a Resident Blogger at MyFatPocket from May 2011 to Dec 2013. In 2011, I was shortlisted as one of the Top Ten Finalist for the Best Beauty Blog Category at the Singapore Blog Awards. I was also a Finalist in the same category for Singapore Blog Awards 2012.

Why Beauty Blogging?

I love playing with my Mum’s makeup since young and am always fascinated by makeup. I started wearing nail polishes and powder in secondary school! I had bad acne issues then and had to resort to covering up with powder to avoid attention on my acne filled skin. At first makeup acts as a cover up for me to make me feel more confident in myself and then I realized I love how I transformed into this confident lady despite suffering from acne with makeup. I always know that makeup works better on a blank canvas so I worked hard to learn more about Skincare to cure my acne issues. Beauty Blogging have opened up many doors for me and I’ve gained loads of precious knowledge. With trials and errors and the knowledge that I’ve learnt, I managed to combat acne and hope to pass on the knowledge to help those who suffered from severed acne like I did.

As a newly certified Make Up Artist(May 2015), do look forward to my works on the blog too! (You can also contact me if you require my service!)

Other than Beauty, expect to find Fashion and Lifestyle related posts on www.joyceforensia.com. Although I’m no fashion expert and I have kind of a weird and quirky sense of fashion, I would like to share how simple styling can spice up an entire look.

So, join me on a journey of beauty ramblings, fashion trials, daily musings and occasional travels!


Joyce.Forensia =)

You can reach me at Editor@joyceforensia.com for collaborations, media invites, advertising or any other enquiries!