Archive | PERSONAL

Risk of Joining a Tech Start Up

I took a risk last year, leaving my job of 6 plus years to join a pretty new Tech Start Up. Mainly because there’s a lack of growth opportunities and I’ve been wanting a challenge rather than staying in my comfort zone. Did it work out? Short answer is no. However, I did managed to […]

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Hello 33

It still haven quite settled in that I’m already in my 30s. I blame covid for making my entry to 30s underwhelming. Is there any difference? Being in my 20s vs being in my 30s? Am I more matured? Do I know what I want? They say 20s is the prime of your life. But […]

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Hello 2023

It’s been awhile since I’ve wrote a more personal piece on the blog. Life have been pretty much a roller coaster ride since Covid happened. I don’t think I’ll delve into details on what have happened but maybe just update and keep myself in check on where I am in life right now. Career I’ve […]

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Another year older

Last year I welcomed the beginning of my 30s in the midst of the Circuit Breaker and with the news of my mum’s cancer spreading. This year ain’t that bad. I decided that I will spend some time away from family as I kinda wanted some time to myself. Away from the noise and usual […]

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A Recap for 2020

2020 was one hell of a ride! I’m pretty sure I might have said that at the start of 2020 about 2019. 2020 was the year that everyone was waiting for but we never really expected to be hit by a pandemic. Work Looking back at my 2020, I think it’s a pretty interesting year […]

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